An unreasonable collection of prefaces about our favorites books

Collective book
Under the direction of Thomas B. Reverdy & Martin Page
Intervalles editions
Date of parution : March 2008
ISBN 2916355359
19 € / 192 pages

« Collection irraisonnée de préfaces à des livres fétiches », Collectif, éditions Intervalles

Presentation of the project by Thomas B. Reverdy and Martin Page

“Talking to each other a few months ago, we had the idea for a collective work that was neither a manifesto nor the birth certificate of some movement, group or fraternity, but simply a moment of collective expression.

The idea was that each writer would talk about a text that had left an impression on his or her life as a reader or journey as a writer. That this would be done in a spirit of reciprocity and intimacy, not in order to create some “ideal” library, nor to assert some flattering genealogy, but to pay a sincere tribute. That everyone should “bring a guest”, as they as say. It’s as simple as that. Because that’s what we do when we start to get to know each other better. And as we are writers, we wanted everyone to bring a book.

We enjoyed getting together again, reading each other and discussing our tastes. And we discovered many a rare and often little-known book, all adored by friends who, in these short and inventive prefaces, made us want to get to know them better.

We wish you the same pleasure. And discoveries. The same encounters with books and authors.”

p127, 128

"Le bal Gaston Couté", Marc Molk
Collection irraisonnée de préfaces à des livres fétiches, éditions Intervalles, mars 2008
Collection irraisonnée de préfaces à des livres fétiches, éditions Intervalles, mars 2008


Jakuta Alikavazovic
Philippe Besson
Jean-Philippe Blondel
Patrick Boman
Philippe Bonilo
Geneviève Brisac
Arnaud Cathrine
Kéthévane Davrichewy
Roxane Duru
Olivia Elkaim
Dominique Fabre
Philippe Forest
Paul Fournel
Vanessa Gault
Jean-Baptiste Gendarme
Valentine Goby
Patrick Goujon
Elizabeth Guyon Spennato
Theo Hakola
Thierry Hesse
Stéphane Heuet
Stéphanie Hochet
Thierry Illouz
Nathalie Kuperman
Cécile Ladjali
Marie-Hélène Lafon
Jérôme Lambert
Diane Meur
Nicolas Michel
Marc Molk
Dominique Noguez
Sébastien Ortiz
Véronique Ovaldé
Martin Page
Aude Picault
Thomas B. Reverdy
Cécile Reyboz
Laurent Sagalovitsch
Laurence Tardieu
Jacques Tournier
Sylvain Venayre
Emmanuel Venet
Hélèna Villovitch
Carole Zalberg.

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