Marc Molk : Ekphrasis


Catalogue / Collective book
Date of parution : January 2012
ISBN 978-2-9535298-3-8

« Marc Molk : Ekphrasis », éditions D-Fiction & label hypothèse, 2012

This is a book about Marc Molk’s paintings.
With a preface by Christian Alandete, it brings together eighteen paintings alongside their ekphraseis, or free descriptions (in french), by eighteen contemporary writers :

Jakuta Alikavazovic, Jérôme Attal, Géraldine Barbe, Antoine Dufeu, Carole Fives, Caroline Hoctan, Dominiq Jenvrey, Nathalie Kuperman, Eva Kristina Mindszenti, Marc Molk, Jean-Noël Orengo, Martin Page, Véronique Pittolo, Jérôme Prieur, Emily Tanimura, Jeanne Truong, Emmanuel Venet, Carole Zalberg.

In an interview with Jean-Yves Jouannais (French/English/Chinese), Marc Molk discusses the logics underlying his painting.

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